Asset Management and Surplus Manual (Revised November ) TABLE OF CONTENTS Asset Management and Surplus Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS CHAPTER : Introduction to Asset Management Definition of Capital Asset Definition of Equipment Importance of Capital Asset Management Asset Numbers and Asset Tags Items that Require Tags Items that Do Not Require Tags Tagging Process Parent and Child Assets Tag Exceptions Tag Examples Search Criteria Look Up Magnifier Wildcard Asset Management - Surplus Module The AM and Surplus Dashboard How to Customize your Financial System Homepage Asset Management Roles CHAPTER : Looking Up an Asset SEARCH METHOD : Asset Maintenance How to Navigate from Asset Maintenance to the Asset Basic Information Page SEARCH METHOD : Print an Asset General Asset Information Depreciation Attributes Custodial Information Asset Cost Information SEARCH METHOD : Search for an Asset How to Navigate the Search for an Asset Page CHAPTER : AM Coordinator Responsibilities Updating Asset Information Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Condition/Home-Use Status Updating Responsible Person Updating In Use/Not In Use Status How to Update an Asset’s In Use/Not In Use Status Updating Asset Location Attaching Photo of the Asset (optional) Updating Assets by Submitting an Asset Change Request How to Submit an Asset Change Request Asset Action Drop Down Menu- Enlarged Asset Action Instruction per Action How to Attach Required Documents/Pictures to the Asset Change Request CHAPTER : Transferring an Asset to Another Department How to Submit an Asset Transfer Request How to Track your Transfer Request How to Approve Transfer Request CHAPTER : Disposing of an Asset Disposal Methods (Outside of the Surplus Process) Description of Asset Management Disposal Methods Cannibalized Destroyed Lost Stolen Traded-In Return of Merchandise How to Submit an Asset Disposal Request How to Track your Asset Disposal Request CHAPTER : Surplusing Assets and University Property Introduction to Surplus Actions As-is, Where-is Delivered Pick-up Vehicle Information Needed for Surplus Requests How to Enter Surplus Request CHAPTER : University Property with Special Considerations Surplus of Capital Assets Surplus of High-volume/Low-cost Items Surplus of Furniture Return to Table of Contents Page | Surplus of Computers/Digital Devices Surplus of Vehicles Laboratory Equipment CHAPTER : Best Practices Best Practices for Asset Management Best Practices for Surplus of Assets and University Property CHAPTER : Tutorials How to Customize the Financial System Homepage Introduction to Asset Management Looking up an Asset AM Coordinator Responsibilities Transferring an Asset Disposing of an Asset Surplusing an Asset University Property with Special Considerations Best Practices CHAPTER : Resources Return to Table of Contents Page | DEFINITIONS Account Code The traditional number used to denote assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenues, and expenditures Asset Basic Information Page This page is entered through the Asset Maintenance Menu or one of the Selection Components in Search for an Asset This page consists of the tabs containing fields to update asset records These tabs are ) General Information, ) Asset Information, ) Asset Acquisition Detail, ) Location/Comments/ Attributes, and ) Manufacturer/License/Custodian Asset Identification/ Asset ID The Asset Identification or Asset ID is auto generated by the Financial System The ID is unique to each asset and is tied to the Asset Tag Number Asset Number/CAMS Number This is number assigned by the Asset Management Team at the time that an asset is tagged and then entered by the Controller’s Office in the Financial System The Asset Number originates from the Asset Tag, is -digit long and consists of Prefix, an Asset Tag Number, and Suffix Asset Management Asset Management is module in the Financial System used to track all NC State capital assets from the time they are purchased Asset Profile ID Each asset is assigned an asset type to determine the useful life for calculation of depreciation Asset Tag Prenumbered, six-digit long, physical tags that are generated and placed on the asset by the Asset Management Team at the time of verification The tag contains the AssetNumber/Cams Number omitting the leading and ending zeros Business Unit The Business Unit is always NCSU CAMS Capital Asset Management System Also referred to as Asset Management Module Capital Asset Property such as land, land improvements, easements, buildings, equipment, works of art and historical treasures, and infrastructure, with a cost equal to or greater than $, and useful life of two or more years Chartfield Any attribute or data element associated with Project ID Department ID Formerly Referred to as OUC (Organization Unit Code) Department ID = OUC Depreciation Allocation of asset cost over the useful life of an asset Return to Table of Contents Page | Equipment Includes equipment and/or machinery not affixed to building, infrastructure, and motor vehicles Fabrication Scientific or other complex equipment comprised of two or more individual components that are fabricated/built into single functional unit Fabrication does not apply to components that are simply wired together and can be dismantled to operate separately (for example, IT components such as computers and network equipment) All components in the fabrication must function as singular unit and be collectively disposed of at the end of the fabricated asset’s useful life In Use/ Not in Use Status A capital asset status can change from being used to being stored for use at a later date, and vice versa Assets that are not being utilized are evaluated by the department, college, or University to determine if it can be used in another area to prevent having to purchase an additional asset This is vital for the University to evaluate available equipment across campus that can be re-tasked Organizational Unit Code (OUC) Refers to the Department ID in the Asset Management Module OUC = Department ID PeopleSoft Electronic Records Processing system used by NC State for Financial, Human Resources, and Student Records Entry to this system is done through MyPack Portal Project ID Defines the funding authority for an activity The first six digits of the Project ID represent the project segment and in some cases there are additional five digits that represent the project phase Responsible Person The employee assigned for use or tracking of an asset The responsible person can be the departmental AM Coordinator, lab manager, Principal Investigator, or other departmental tracking criteria such as rack number or shelf The Responsible Person’s primary role is to assist in locating an asset Surplus Property Property that has resale value, but is no longer needed by the university department to continue its operation Wildcard Advanced search technique used to maximize search results in database The most commonly used wildcard in the Financial System is the percent symbol (%), which is used in field to match one or more unknown characters Use the wildcard if an operator or Look up Magnifier search are not available Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Introduction to Asset Management Definition of Capital Asset The Office of the State Controller defines capital assets as property such as land, land improvements, easements, buildings, equipment, works of art and historical treasures, and infrastructure, with cost equal to or greater than $, and useful life of more than one year Capital assets are acquired for use in normal operations and are not for resale These assets may be subject to depreciation Definition of Equipment Equipment includes lab equipment, furniture, motor vehicles, and machinery not affixed to a building/infrastructure Fabricated Equipment is defined as scientific or other complex equipment comprising two or more individual components that are fabricated/built into single functional unit Fabrication does not apply to components that are simply wired together and can be dismantled to operate separately (for example, IT components such as computers and network equipment) All components in the fabrication must function as singular unit and be collectively disposed of at the end of the fabricated asset’s useful life Individual components of fabrication cannot () be used independently of the other components or () function separately apart from the fabricated unit to which it is attached Fabricated equipment is capitalized as single asset when its combined total cost equals or exceeds $, and has useful life of two or more years Importance of Capital Asset Management Each department within NC State University is responsible for maintaining and safeguarding all assets, regardless of cost The Asset Management Team is responsible for: > Maintaining accurate accounting and internal control records that document capital assets, including proof of asset existence, ownership, and proper valuation > Maintaining an accurate listing of all capital assets held by the University as mandated by state and federal regulations > Providing uniform procedures and communication to the campus community to encourage proper use and control of capital assets Return to Table of Contents Page | Asset Numbers and Asset Tags As listed in the Definitions section of this guide, Asset Tags are prenumbered, six-digit long, physical tags that are placed on the asset at the time of verification Asset Numbers are -digit long numbers that consist of Prefix, an Asset Tag Number, and a Suffix Tagging is important to control the location of equipment, aid in the physical inventory process, and provide common method of identifying and communicating asset information that all employees can follow Items that Require Tags The main criteria used for determining whether an asset should be tagged is as follows: > Items with cost of $, or greater for single piece of equipment > Items with cost of $, or greater for single software license > Items that will last two or more years > Items that are singular piece of functional equipment/software Items that Do Not Require Tags The following items are not considered capital assets and therefore, are not tagged: > Fabrications that do not meet the definition of fabricated equipment > Modular workstations and cubicles that may cost more than $, but they are easily removable or reconfigurable > Two or more pieces of equipment used to conduct an experiment or grant task, where the pieces are wired together, each piece is less than $, and the combined cost is $ or greater > Supplies, consumables, replacement/repair parts, and replacing flooring and carpet Return to Table of Contents Page | Tagging Process Assets are identified by Asset Management at the time of payment Once payment voucher is generated, the information is accumulated and pushed to Asset Management every two weeks in the form of tagging list Every two weeks, the following occurs: > Prioritization based on voucher date and Project ID > Examination of priority and age of vouchers > Examination of individual invoices and vouchers > Contacting and scheduling an appointment with the departmental AM Coordinator to: > Verify cost > Gather location, serial number, description, custodian and responsible person > Affix the tag on the asset > Entry of data in the Asset Management Module to generate the asset record > Corrections are made in account coding It is the department’s responsibility to use the correct account code at the time of purchase When in doubt, contact the Asset Management Team Purchases charged to non-XXX series accounts in error or paid by PCard will not be on the Asset Management Tagging list Contact the Asset Management Team if you have received an asset, but you have not been contacted for tagging in days; it could mean the purchase was incorrectly coded Return to Table of Contents Page | Parent and Child Assets Some assets consist of several components and each of these pieces may need to be tracked separately The components may also have been purchased at different time and depreciate differently In these scenarios, parent and child relationship is established between two or more assets A Parent Asset can have multiple Children Assets, but child asset can only have one parent For example: Asset Tag Type (Parent/Child) Asset Tag Number John Deere Tractor Parent John Deere Loader Child John Deere Blade Child Parent Asset Tag Example Return to Table of Contents Child Asset Tag Example Page | Tag Exceptions In some cases, an asset cannot be tagged based on the material, location, or use In these cases, an Asset Tag is assigned with prefix and Tag Number that always begins with the number for entry into the Financial System Tag Examples Type of Tag Prefix (two digits) Tag Number (six digits) Suffix (two digits) Standard or Parent Always Always Child Always to Non-Taggable Always to Return to Table of Contents Page | Search Criteria Throughout the Financial System, you will be given different ways to search items These options are: Look up Magnifier and Wildcard Look Up Magnifier The Look Up magnifier is available next to some fields To look up items, click on the Look up magnifier as demonstrated in the image below () This will open Look up box to allow for additional search criteria using operators to narrow your search For example, you can search for an asset with partial Asset Tag Number, locations based on the first letters of building name, and so on The available operators are: Begins with Contains Equals Not equals Less than Less than or equal More than More than or equal Between In n/a n/a = not = < <= > >= n/a n/a For example, to search for Harrelson Hall , we are going to search for buildings where the Description begins with “H” and the Floor # (Room) contains “” Return to Table of Contents Page | Wildcard A wildcard is an advanced search technique that can be used to maximize your search results in database The most commonly used wildcard in the Financial System is the percent symbol (%), which is used in field to match one or more unknown characters Use the wildcard if the Look up Magnifier search is not available For example, the only number visible on an item are two letters of serial number: JW In this example, we would search with wildcard as follows: Enter JW% in the Serial ID field Click on the Search button Note the assets beginning with JW Select the matching asset Return to Table of Contents Page | Asset Management - Surplus Module The Asset Management module of the Financial System is used to track all NC State capital assets from the time they are purchased To get started, follow the instructions outlined below Navigate to MyPack Portal Select Financial System Homepage from the dropdown menu Click on the Asset Mgmt - Surplus tile: You have accessed the Asset Management and Surplus main navigational page Return to Table of Contents Page | The AM and Surplus Dashboard The AM and Surplus Dashboard is available to assist Departmental AM Coordinators and AM Approvers with navigation and real-time asset reports, potential assets, pending surplus requests, and inventory status information By default, the AM and Surplus Dashboard is NOT displayed in the Financial System Homepage However, it can be easily added by following the steps outlined below How to Customize your Financial System Homepage To add the AM and Surplus Dashboard to your Financial System Homepage follow the instructions detailed below From MyPack Portal, navigate to the Financial System Homepage Click on the three-stacked dots to open Personalize Homepage Return to Table of Contents Page | Click on Add tile to open drop down in the center of the page Scroll to Financial System Select AM and Surplus Dashboard Return to Table of Contents Page | The AM and Surplus Dashboard will be added to your Financial System Homepage You can drag the tile to the top of the page for easier access as shown below Click on the Save button to keep the new settings Click here to watch video tutorial on How to Customize the Financial System Homepage Return to Table of Contents Page | Asset Management Roles There are three roles associated with Asset Management activities: AM Administrator (per SAR -Asset Assignment) AM Coordinator (per SARAM Coordinator Campus) AM Inventory Approver (per SAR -Campus AM Invtry Approval) The AM Administrator assigns the departmental level inventory and departmental AM Coordinator roles within the department The AM Coordinator role is required for departmental AM Coordinators assigned inventory and employees requiring surplus disposal system access The AM Inventory Approver approves the AM Coordinator’s Annual Certified Inventory > An employee may have one or all roles, but if assigned as AM Coordinator to a departmental inventory, an approval is required from separate individual > An AM Coordinator cannot approve their own inventory > A backup AM Inventory Approver and AM Administrator is recommended for all departments To find out who is your SAR Administrator contact your departmental Business Office Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Looking Up an Asset Asset basic physical and financial information recorded in the Asset Management Module is available to employees with Financial System access You can obtain asset information by navigating to any of the following three menu options: Asset Maintenance: to make changes to asset records Print an Asset: to view detailed asset information and cost Search for an Asset: to search for an asset using additional criteria Return to Table of Contents Page | SEARCH METHOD : Asset Maintenance Asset Maintenance is the starting point to obtain and modify the physical data associated with each asset and allows you to update some of the asset record information such as location, condition, responsible person, and status Only the department’s AM Coordinator will be able to update this information How to Navigate from Asset Maintenance to the Asset Basic Information Page Select the criteria that you will use to begin your search and enter the asset information that you have available This information can be the Asset Identification, Tag Number, or Description Please refer to the Search Criteria section of this guide to review available search options Click on the Search button Select the asset from the Search Results listed below Verify that you have selected the correct asset Return to Table of Contents Page | SEARCH METHOD : Print an Asset The Print an Asset option displays all the physical and custodian information on record for an asset In addition, the asset cost information is displayed by the department, Project ID, class, fund, and program accounting chartfields where the purchase occurred You will not be able to make changes to asset information from the Print an Asset option To make changes to an asset, go to the Asset Maintenance Page The Print an Asset page contains the following fields: > > > > General Asset Information Depreciation Attributes Custodial Information Asset Cost Information Return to Table of Contents Page | General Asset Information Asset ID Unique ID tied to the Asset Tag Number Asset Description Defined by the department at the time of tagging Status Current status: In Service (active assets) or Disposed (retired assets) Tag Number AM sticker affixed to the asset Location Location code (- characters in length) and location description Responsible Person Employee assigned for use or tracking of the asset Condition Options are: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Home Use In Physical Use Check this option if the asset is currently being used License # This field is for vehicles only Acquisition Date Date the asset was received on campus Serial ID Serial Number of the asset or vehicle VIN Return to Table of Contents Page | Depreciation Attributes In Service Date The date the asset was put into use Begin Depr Date Date when depreciation began Useful Life Expected useful life as determined from the Asset Profile ID Return to Table of Contents Page | Custodial Information This section displays information related to the department that is responsible for updates, safeguarding, and inventory of the asset The Custodial Department is updated by submitting an Asset Transfer Request An asset can have only ONE Custodial Department at any given time Return to Table of Contents Page | Asset Cost Information This section will list the department(s) and project(s) that purchased the asset Updates to the asset’s information would occur when correction is made to the Chartfield Journal Voucher or an Interdepartmental Transaction (IDT) is generated by your Business Office An asset can have only one Custodial Department at any given time, but can be purchased by multiple Chartfields Return to Table of Contents Page | SEARCH METHOD : Search for an Asset The Search for an Asset option contains additional search criteria To begin your search, you can enter information that you have available in any of the following fields: Asset ID Unique ID tied to the Asset Tag Number Tag Number AM sticker affixed to the asset Serial ID Serial Number of the asset or vehicle VIN Location Location code (- characters in length) and location description Asset Status The default option is In Service You can also select Disposed or the blank option if you do not know the status PO No Purchase Order number used to purchase the asset Voucher Voucher ID used to pay for the asset IMPORTANT: Do NOT use this search option for Marketplace or PCard transactions because one voucher pays for multiple cross-departmental transactions Project ID Return to Table of Contents Project ID charged for payment If multiple, select one ID Page | How to Navigate the Search for an Asset Page Once you have entered your available information in the appropriate fields, click on the Search button The Search Results will be listed below If you need additional asset information than what is listed in the search results, select one asset by clicking on the radio button Only one asset can be selected at time From the Drill-Down To field, select any of the following components: Asset Accounting Entries To view all accounting entries Asset Basic Information To perform asset maintenance Asset Cost History To view all recorded financial transactions Asset Depreciation To view depreciation by year and period Print an Asset To open the Print an Asset page Return to Table of Contents Page | Select the GO! button The selected component page will open in new tab For example, selecting the Asset Basic Information component will display the Asset Maintenance page Return to Table of Contents Page | To search for another asset, click on the Search for an Asset browser tab Once in the Search for an Asset page, you can select any other listed assets or begin a new search by clicking on the Clear button Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : AM Coordinator Responsibilities The AM Coordinator is responsible for: Updating Asset Information Updating Assets by Submitting an Asset Change Request Departmental AM Coordinators are responsible for all changes whether through Asset Maintenance or submission of an Asset Change Request Asset information should be current at all times and throughout the life cycle of an asset, from the time it is placed in service to the time it is disposed of or transferred to another department In addition, updating asset information as changes occur simplifies the certification of the annual fiscal inventory The Print an Asset option is the quickest method to verify asset information In addition, the asset cost information is displayed by the department, project ID, class, fund, and program accounting chartfields from where the purchase occurred Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Asset Information Asset information records are updated in the Asset Basic Information page and are the responsibility of the AM Coordinator These updates include: > > > > > Updating Condition/Home-Use Status Updating Responsible Person Updating In Use/Not In Use Status Updating Asset Location Attaching Photo of the Asset (optional) The starting point to obtain and modify the physical data associated with an asset begins with the Asset Maintenance Search option This search will open the Asset Basic Information Page Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Condition/Home-Use Status Click on the General Information tab Select the applicable condition from the dropdown box according to the following criteria: > > > > > Excellent: Greater than years of useful life remaining Good: - years of useful life remaining Fair: - years of useful life remaining Poor: Less than one year of useful life remaining Home-Use: Overrides all other conditions Home-Use assets require a CA- Form to be signed by the department head and retained in the department Click on the Save button Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Responsible Person Click on the General Information tab Update the Responsible Person field Click on the Save button Upon clicking the Save button, the system converts Responsible Person field entries to all caps This format cannot be changed Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating In Use/Not In Use Status Asset status should reflect whether the asset is: > > In Physical Use: select checkbox (☑), or Stored for use at later date: Leave checkbox unchecked (☐) How to Update an Asset’s In Use/Not In Use Status Click on the General Information tab Click on the In Physical Use checkbox to remove the check if the asset is not in use Click on the Save button In this example, the asset is currently available for use and not stored Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Asset Location Accurate asset location is important not only for inventory control purposes but also because it is used for calculation of the University’s Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A) calculations Click on the Location/Comments Attributes tab Click on the plus (+) sign in the upper right corner to add new row Verify that the Effective Sequence field equals Verify that Row of is listed Row will always be the First and most recent location In our example, the first row is of and the last row is of The location update will occur on our row of Return to Table of Contents Page | In the Effective Date field enter the date of the location change Enter the location code in the Location field or select the Look up magnifier to search based on known criteria For example: > > > Description: search by building name Building #: search by building number as assigned by Facilities Floor #: this is actually the room number Click on the Save button If an asset location does not exist when searching, PeopleSoft prepare An Asset Change Request to request location Return to Table of Contents Page | Attaching Photo of the Asset (optional) Attaching photo of an asset helps with identification during the annual physical inventory To get started, follow the instructions outlined below Click on the Location/Comments/Attributes tab Click on the expand/collapse toggle for the Image header Click on the paper clip icon A new window will be open with prompt to choose and upload file Browse through your files and select an image to upload Click on Upload Click on the Save button Return to Table of Contents Page | A thumbnail of your image will be displayed, as illustrated below Only one image per asset can be uploaded Only JPG files are accepted by the system Return to Table of Contents Page | Updating Assets by Submitting an Asset Change Request Certain asset changes require the submission of supporting documentation to the Asset Management Team The AM Coordinator is also responsible for keeping the asset attributes up to date and submitting an Asset Change Request for the following: > > > > > > > > Update License Plate Update Serial Number Update Model Number Update Asset Description Unavailable NCSU Location Code Offsite Non-NCSU Location Code External Loan Contract Number Request Replacement Asset Tag How to Submit an Asset Change Request Navigate to MyPack Portal > Financial System Homepage > Asset Mgmt - Surplus > Asset Change Request Click on Add New Value For demonstration purposes we will use Asset Tag Return to Table of Contents Page | Enter the Asset Tag Number or Asset Identification The look-up magnifier may also be used to search for the tag number or asset identification Click Add to open new Asset Change Request In our example, the Asset Change Request opened for Asset Tag The page populates the Asset ID and Description of the Asset The Request Status is New and the current date is populated Action buttons are available to Cancel the Request, review the Training Guide instructions, Print the Request and Attach the required documents Return to Table of Contents Page | Enter the asset action from the drop down Hovering over the information dot provides the actions required to complete the individual Asset Action Enter the new value per the Asset Action Instruction Actions requiring attachments are: Updating Serial Number, Offsite Non- NCSU Location Code, and External Loan Contract The Asset Change Request cannot be submitted until files are attached To attach files click on the Attachment(s) button Clicking on the (+) button adds line to add additional changes to the individual asset Clicking on the (-) will delete line if entered in error, but must occur prior to submitting The Asset Change Request allows for multiple changes for the same asset Please include all known changes on the Asset Change Request prior to submitting Return to Table of Contents Page | Asset Action Drop Down Menu- Enlarged Asset Action Instruction per Action Information Displayed when hovering over the information button Asset Action Description Action Instruction Attachment Required A Update License Plate Please provide new License Plate number NO B Update Serial Number Please PROVIDE the new S/N and ATTACH a photo or documentation of new S/N YES C Update Model Number Please provide new Model Number NO D Update Asset Description Please provide new Asset Description NO E Unavailable NCSU Location Code Please provide Bldg No & Room No where asset is located NO F Offsite Non-NCSU Location Code Please provide Street Address, Bldg, & Rm YES Return to Table of Contents Page | No for asset and ATTACH the signed CA- Form G External Loan Contract Number Please provide NCSU Loan Contract Number and ATTACH signed contract YES H Request Replacement Asset Tag Please provide tag number to replace NO To demonstrate we will continue with the Asset Change Request for Asset Tag In our example we will Update the Serial Number and Update Asset Description A B C D Select the Asset Action from the drop down menu Enter the New value Save Click the plus (+)button to add new Asset Action for the same asset E LineI two () is created with the (+)button Select the Asset Action from the drop down menu In this example Update Asset Description is selected F Enter the new description in the New Value Field G Save Return to Table of Contents Page | H Click on Attachment(s) to open the attachment page and attach the required documents See How to Attach Required Documents/Pictures I Submit for approval and the Request Status updates to Pending J Asset Management will review and approve when making the change The Request Status becomes Approved Denied status requires revision by the department The Asset Change Request is reviewed by Asset Management and will be approved or denied through workflow Approved changes are made to the Asset at the time of Approval How to Attach Required Documents/Pictures to the Asset Change Request Return to Table of Contents Page | Supporting Documents are attached to the Asset Change Request and are required for the following three () actions: > > > Serial Number changes require photo(s) supporting the change The photo should reflect the overall asset and the serial number This can be one or more photos Offsite Non_NCSU Location changes require completed CA- Storage of Equipment on Privately Owned/Leased Premises External loans of an asset to an entity requires an approved Equipment Loan Agreement The loan agreement is routed to Procurement & Business Services through the Procurement Contracts portal for review and signature routing Continuing with our example for asset tag we will attach picture to support the modified serial number update from to AB- On the Asset Change Request for the Asset, click on the Attachment(s) button to open the Attachment Page Click on the Add Attachment button opening the File Attachment Upload Box Return to Table of Contents Page | Click on the Choose File button and select the file from your computer drive Click the Upload button to upload the file Type in an Attachment Description Select the Asset Action from the drop down menu In our example it is B Update Serial Number Click the Upload File button to verify the information Verify the Information and click the “OK” button Return to Table of Contents Page | Once document is attached, return to the Asset Change Request and review If the request is not ready for submission, Save, when complete, Submit to Asset Management forl Approval CHAPTER : Transferring an Asset to Another Department When an asset is permanently given or sold to another University department, Transfer Request must be submitted through the Asset Management Module There are two types of internal transfers: Change in the Custodian Department Change in the financial records as to the department purchasing the asset Both types of transfers require Transfer Request by the Departmental AM Coordinator and a Transfer Approval by the receiving department In addition to an Asset Transfer, Journal Voucher or Interdepartmental Transaction (IDT) is required to move the cost of an asset between departments > Asset Transfer Request is initiated in the Asset Management Module by the AM Coordinator assigned with inventory responsibility of the asset (Custodial) > Asset Transfer Approval is the result of the receiving AM Coordinator assigning new location to the asset and accepting the transfer request Return to Table of Contents Page | Assets may not be transferred to other institutions without proper approvals Please review REG – Equipment Acquisition, Management, Transfer and Loans to ensure compliance with University policies Additional guidelines can be found in the Property Tracking and Disposition Manual Return to Table of Contents Page | How to Submit an Asset Transfer Request Navigate to MyPack Portal > Financial System Homepage > Asset Mgmt - Surplus > Asset Transfer Click on Add New Value For demonstration purposes, we will transfer Asset Tag Enter the Asset Identification number or Asset Tag Number in the applicable field The Look up magnifier may be used if additional search criteria are needed Click on the Add button This will open the Asset Transfer page Return to Table of Contents Page | Verify the Asset Tag, Description, and current information such as Dept ID, Location, and Responsible Person Enter the new Six-Digit Department ID Receiving the asset or use the Look up magnifier In the Comments box include any information that will assist the AM Coordinator receiving the transfer, such as new Responsible Person, delivery date, person negotiating the transfer, etc Click on the Submit button to initiate the workflow process Return to Table of Contents Page | How to Track your Transfer Request Once submitted, the transfer will display the following information: Request Status: Pending (until it has been approved by the receiving AM Coordinator) or Approved Transfer Request ID number Name of the AM Coordinator requesting the transfer with date stamp Name of the AM Coordinator receiving the Transfer Request for approval Return to Table of Contents Page | Transfer Requests are sent to the AM Coordinator for the Department ID identified to be approved, not necessarily to the person receiving the asset The AM Coordinator will receive an email and will create worklist item To expedite the approval process, send an email to the AM Coordinator with the Transfer Request ID number and request approval How to Approve Transfer Request Navigate to MyPack Portal > Financial System Homepage > Asset Mgmt - Surplus > Asset Transfer Click on Find an Existing Value Search based on available criteria Click on the Search button Return to Table of Contents Page | In our example, you can search using any or combination of the following Search Criteria: > > > > Enter Transfer ID: % Tag Number: To Dept ID: Request Status: Pending Enter the new Location Enter the new Responsible Person Enter In Physical Use Return to Table of Contents Page | Next, Scroll Down to Approve or Deny a) Click on Approve to accept the transfer b) Click on Deny if incorrect or in error c) Click on the Save button Verify Approval Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Disposing of an Asset As is required by both State and NC State Disposal of University Property regulations, all property, capital or non-capital, acquired by an NC State University department must be disposed of through NC State University Surplus Asset disposals that occur through improper methods such as lost, stolen, cannibalized, destroyed, or traded-in, should be handled by the processes listed below These Disposal Requests are processed by the AM Coordinator and routed to the Asset Management Team in the University Controller’s Office This process allows for the retirement of the asset in the Asset Management Module but is not considered an accepted standard method Disposal Methods (Outside of the Surplus Process) Assets can be disposed of according to the following disposal methods: Cannibalized Destroyed Lost Stolen Traded-In Return of Merchandise Prior to the disposition of any University property, please review REG - Disposal of University Property to ensure compliance with University policies Guidelines are available in the Property Tracking and Disposition Manual Return to Table of Contents Page | Description of Asset Management Disposal Methods Cannibalized Occasionally, departments will take an asset apart and use it as spare parts to keep another like asset running When this occurs, the UNC System Capital Asset Standards deem this asset to have been cannibalized Capitalization guidelines require this asset to be retired This is not provision to scrap or throw an asset away State regulations require all equipment to be surplused, regardless of age, condition, or working order Surplus Property Services will decide on the final disposition of an asset Destroyed Occasionally, assets are installed in room and destroyed when the room is renovated or destroyed due to an unforeseeable event, such as natural disaster In these situations, the asset is deemed destroyed beyond use and is disposed of by other means than through the surplus process Lost Before identifying an asset as Lost, search all possible locations and check all departmental Surplus Requests to verify that the asset was not inadvertently surplused without entering an Asset Tag number Stolen Before identifying an asset as Stolen, search all possible locations and check all departmental Surplus Requests to verify that the asset was not inadvertently surplused without entering an Asset Tag number If an asset is deemed Stolen, you will need to report the theft to Campus Police (or local law enforcement for assets not on campus) A Police Report will need to be sent to the Asset Management Team and the report number entered in the Disposal Request Return to Table of Contents Page | Traded-In There are situations when older assets are traded in for the purchase of new assets or for a credit of some type There are also situations when an asset under warranty needs to be swapped for the same or similar asset type Under State policies, this is allowed with prior approval For NC State, this approval is granted by Procurement & Business Services Procurement Services will make the request on behalf of the department To request Trade-In, follow the instructions outlined in the Trade-In of University Assets form If trade-in of assets is requested, departments must provide the following information: Description of the item(s) being traded-in Project ID that the equipment was purchased against Current condition of the equipment Original purchase price Date of original purchase Name of supplier offering the trade-in allowance Price of replacement item before allowance Amount of the trade-in allowance Final purchase price Brief justification for trading property in versus selling to the public Once trade-in request is approved, Procurement Services will notify the requesting department and complete the purchasing process by issuing purchase order Departments are then responsible for submitting an Asset Disposal Request in the Asset Management Module Return of Merchandise There are situations when an asset is Returned to the Vendor for replacement of an identical asset There are also situations when an asset under warranty needs to be swapped for the same or similar asset type Departments are then responsible for submitting an Asset Disposal Request in the Asset Management Module Select the Disposal Type of Return of Merchandise and provide the Date of the Return and the New Serial Number Return to Table of Contents Page | How to Submit an Asset Disposal Request Navigate to MyPack Portal > Financial System Homepage > Asset Mgmt - Surplus > Asset Disposal Click on Add New Value Enter the Asset ID number or Asset Tag number for the asset you are disposing of Click on the Add button Return to Table of Contents Page | Review the Asset ID, the Asset Tag number, and Asset Description to verify that you are requesting disposal of the correct asset Return to Table of Contents Page | Input the transaction date in the As of Date field This is the date that the disposal took place (ie the date lost or stolen), NOT the current date Return to Table of Contents Page | Select the Disposal Type from the available options listed earlier (cannibalized, destroyed, lost, stolen, traded-in) Click on the Submit button to initiate the workflow process Return to Table of Contents Page | How to Track your Asset Disposal Request Once submitted, the Asset Disposal Request will display the following: Request Status: Pending (until it has been approved by the receiving AM Coordinator) or Approved Disposal Request ID number AM Disposal Approval flow Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Surplusing Assets and University Property Surplus property is defined as property that has resale value but is no longer needed by the University department to continue its operation The University Surplus Property Office will pick up these items and make them available for acquisition by other departments, public agencies or non-profit organizations Surplus items not acquired by these entities are sold at public surplus sales As is required per State Regulations, all assets, capital or non-capital, purchased by State entity, must be disposed of through the University Surplus Property Office; they cannot simply be thrown away! Due to the size of our University, the State has authorized and allowed NC State University to create its own internal surplus group to handle these disposals The NC State Surplus Group is administered by Surplus Property Services, part of Procurement & Business Services The surplus of assets is initiated in the Financial System When capital asset is identified for surplus through Surplus Request, the Asset Management Module will automatically update the asset’s Department ID and physical location when the University Surplus Property Office processes the Surplus Request Prior to the surplus of any University property, please review REG - Disposal of University Property to ensure compliance with University policies Additional guidelines are available in the Property Tracking and Disposition Manual Return to Table of Contents Page | Introduction to Surplus Actions Prior to initiating Surplus Request, you will need to know which of the following Surplus Actions will be appropriate for the items you will surplus: > > > > As-Is, Where-Is Delivered Pick-Up Vehicle As-is, Where-is These are items that are typically sold at its current location via the State of North Carolina Surplus Property bid system INSTRUCTIONS Send an email to the Surplus Property & Warehouse Services Lead with the following information: Item location (exact address) Three different profile pictures Item description to be used for advertising purposes; include the following statements: “The items must be loaded and removed by the buyer; the University will not assist with loading or removing” Contact information: name, phone number, and availability Once the Surplus Request is approved, items will go on bid for days Buyers will have days from the end of the bid cycle to pick up the items Delivered This option indicates that the department will bring all items on the Surplus Request form to Materials Support Warehouse at Ligon Street INSTRUCTIONS Please make an appointment with the University Surplus Property & Warehouse Services Lead by email at surplus_property@ncsuedu or by phone at -- to make sure the items can be received Return to Table of Contents Page | Pick-up This option indicates that the department would like for the University Surplus Property team to retrieve the surplus items at their current location Emergency Pick-Up If you cannot wait for our team to pick-up surplus items, you can make an appointment with the Surplus Property Receiving Coordinator to: Deliver the items (all items must be clearly labeled as surplus) Hire third-party provider to deliver the items (all items must be clearly labeled as surplus) INSTRUCTIONS Include all relevant instructions in the Surplus Request Comments box Please allow three to five business days for pickup of items Vehicle This option is for disposal of titled vehicles INSTRUCTIONS In the Comments box, enter the sales location: As-Is, Where-Is or Delivered > For As-Is, Where-Is vehicles, the person purchasing them will pick them up at their current departmental location, as advertised > For Delivered vehicles, the department will deliver them to the State of North Carolina Department of Administration Warehouse Please indicate operational status and physical condition of the motorized equipment Enter the vehicle Asset Tag/CAMS #; this will populate all the vehicle information except for Category and Condition Enter the vehicle’s Category and Condition Once the Surplus Request has been submitted, print it and sign it Click to see an example Print and complete the Odometer Disclosure Statement and the Vehicle Surplus Checklist Return to Table of Contents Page | Note: the Odometer Disclosure Statement should be completed for all vehicles, even those that are years old or older Bring hard copy originals of the forms to the Materials Support Warehouse located at Ligon St If selected As-Is,Where-Is, send an email to surplus_property@ncsuedu with the following information: > Three pictures of the vehicle > Physical address of the vehicle’s location > Contact name > Contact phone number Go to eRIMS and complete the notification for Risk Management All vehicles carry insurance through the NC State University Risk Management Office Wait for approval confirmation email from the NC State Surplus Property Office Once this approval is received: > For As-Is, Where-Is vehicles: the vehicle will go on bid for days Buyers will have days from the end of the bid cycle to pick up the vehicle > For Delivered vehicles, deliver the vehicle to: State of North Carolina Department of Administration Surplus Warehouse Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC Return to Table of Contents Page | Information Needed for Surplus Requests Prior to initiating Surplus Request gather the following information: Department ID Project ID Asset Tag Number (if surplusing capital Asset) Location of the item(s) to be surplused: Building Name and Room Number How to Enter Surplus Request This section will outline the process for entering, submitting, and viewing Surplus Request Multiple items can be listed in single Surplus Request with the exception of vehicles, which must be processed on separate Surplus Request Multiple vehicles can be listed in single Surplus Request as long as they are titled AND tagged (ie for highway use) Log into MyPack Portal From the dropdown menu, select Financial System Homepage Return to Table of Contents Page | Click on the Asset-Mgmt - Surplus tile Click on Surplus Request in the left navigation menu Return to Table of Contents Page | Here you have the option to Find an Existing Value or to Add New Value For demonstration purposes, let’s Add New Value Select the Surplus Type & Click on the Add button > > > General-All items except for vehicles and trailers Negotiated Sales- Items negoioiated between NCSU and another institution of higher learning Vehicles & Trailers-Cars, trucks, vans and trailers The information displayed in the AM Surplus Request page is pre-populated from the Human Resources system If this information is incorrect, please contact your departmental Human Resources representative Return to Table of Contents Page | If you have access to multiple Department IDs/OUCs, you will first need to select which Department IDs/OUCs you are surplusing items for To do this, click on the Look Up magnifier next to the Department Field You can next choose to submit the Surplus Request on your behalf or on behalf of someone else To submit the request on behalf of someone else, enter the appropriate Unity ID or name in the Contact User ID field Next, you will select your pick up location by clicking on the Look Up magnifier next to the Pick-Up Location field Return to Table of Contents Page | From the Look Up Pick-Up Location page, follow the steps outlined below to begin your search: a) Change the Description field to “contains” b) Enter your Building Name c) Click on Look Up Once your building search results are displayed, select the location where the items are located Keep in mind: Return to Table of Contents Page | > If you are surplusing vehicle, an As-Is, Where-Is item, or you would like to deliver your items, enter the current location of the item You will have the opportunity to identify those items later in the Surplus Request Form > If your location is missing from the list, select the room closest to your location and add note in the Comments box You can also contact the Help Desk to request that your location be added to the system > If your items are in multiple buildings, submit one Surplus Request per building Once the Pick-Up Location is identified, click on the Surplus Action dropdown menu to select from the following four options: > > > > As-Is, Where-Is Delivered Pick-Up Vehicle Once the Surplus Action is selected, it is time to select/verify the Project ID This step facilitates the return of non-restricted proceeds to the original funding source Enter the Project ID in the Project field and click on the Look Up magnifier Return to Table of Contents Page | Select the Project ID from the list Click on the Look Up button Your Project ID will be populated into the Project field in the Header and on the first line Return to Table of Contents Page | Return to Table of Contents Page | Project IDs can also be changed at the line level to reflect from which specific Project ID an item was purchased Add any comments relevant to your request in the Comments box Comments are the Surplus Team’s best friend! They are used to provide contact information (preferably two points of contact) and to indicate any special instructions, such as where to locate keys or who to see for door combination or card entry Also if the surplus items are in more than one room, you can indicate these instructions in the Comments box If you suspect that an item may be Capital Asset, make sure to include the Asset Tag/CAMS Number When in doubt, contact the Asset Management Team! Return to Table of Contents Page | For non-capital asset items, complete and/or select the following fields: a) b) c) d) e) Quantity Description Item Category Serial Number, if available Condition For example: Department is going to surplus non-capital items In this case, the following fields will need to be completed: Pick-Up Location: Items will be picked up in Location Code _M (CTI Building M, Non Wovens) Project ID: Comments: Since key is going to be required to enter the room where the items are located, we’ll enter these instructions in the Comments box Line : (one) Solid Oak Conference Table Line : (two) ” Sony TV’s Item Category: > The conference table is Furniture > The TV is Electronics-Entertainment Condition: choose from available options For example: > The table is in Poor condition > The TV is in Good condition Return to Table of Contents Page | We are not ready to submit the request yet so we will click on the Save button to add more items to the request at later time Use the plus (+) sign at the left of each row to add additional lines or the subtraction (-) sign to remove excess lines, if any Once your form is complete, click on the Data Security Warning link to read this important information concerning compliance with the University’s Rules and Regulations pertaining to Data Security Check the box to indicate that you have read and understand the Data Security Warning This is requirement; without checking this box, you will not be able to submit your Surplus Request form Return to Table of Contents Page | Click on the Save button Once your form has been saved, you will notice the following changes in your request: a) Surplus Request ID is issued and displayed at the top of the page b) Surplus Request Status is displayed as In Process When you are ready to submit the form, click on the Submit button Return to Table of Contents Page | Once your form has been submitted, you will notice the following changes in your request: a) The Submit button will be grayed out b) The Surplus Request Status will change from In Process to Submitted Once form is submitted, it may not be altered by campus departments Any changes to already submitted Surplus Requests will need to be sent to Surplus Property Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : University Property with Special Considerations To facilitate the surplus process, assets and certain supplies and materials are entered with additional details in the Surplus Request fields This information assists in identifying, processing and pricing the items for the sales floor These items are: a) b) c) d) e) f) Capital Assets High-Volume/Low-Cost Items (Lot Exists) Furniture Computers and Digital Devices Vehicles Laboratory Equipment Return to Table of Contents Page | a) Surplus of Capital Assets > Verify if your surplus items are capital assets In most cases, capital assets have an Asset Tag/CAMS Number affixed to it However, in some cases assets cannot be physically tagged but are assigned tag numbers for inventory purposes These Asset Tag/CAMS numbers must be entered in the Surplus Request > This is very important to ensure that all capital assets are property disposed If uncertain, look the item(s) up in the system, contact your departmental AM Coordinator, or reach out to the Asset Management Team > Enter an Asset Tag/CAMS Number This will populate all fields for that item except Category and Condition For example, we are surplusing spectrophotometer Cary UV We have verified that our item is capital asset so we entered Asset Tag/CAMS# into the appropriate field After entering the Asset Tag/CAMS#, the only information that we will need to enter is the Item Category and Condition Note: Leave the Asset Project ID blank Even though nothing is displayed in this field, the appropriate Asset Project ID will be populated behind the scenes based on the system project cost information Also, if the asset was purchased with contract and/or grant funds, the Office of Contracts and Grants will be added to the approval workflow to approve or deny the request Return to Table of Contents Page | b) Surplus of High-volume/Low-cost Items > The Lot Exists checkbox is used to surplus high volume/low cost items such as office supplies, computer keyboard, computer mice, and other items of the like > Lot Exists should NOT be used for furniture, filing cabinets, computers, etc > Leave the quantity at and check the Lot Exists box and provide description for the item For example, we are surplusing box of keyboard and mice Remember: you do not need to enter the quantity; this is considered (one) lot of high-volume/low-cost items We will add this lot as quantity of (one) Return to Table of Contents Page | c) Surplus of Furniture > Make sure to enter quantity and accurate description of furniture to be surplused This is important because each item will be priced and sold separately > Furniture, including smaller types like chairs, should NEVER be marked as Lot Exist items! For example, we are surplusing red fabric chairs We will enter the quantity and the accurate description in the appropriate fields Return to Table of Contents Page | d) Surplus of Computers/Digital Devices Whenever surplusing equipment or devices that might store sensitive data or software licensed to the University (ie computers, scanners, iPads, tablets, mobile phones, etc), Data Security Removal label must be affixed to each unit For example, we are surplusing Dell desktop computer We will enter the Quantity, Description, Item Category, Serial #, and Condition in the appropriate fields Return to Table of Contents Page | e) Surplus of Vehicles > In the Comments box, enter the following: > Sales location: > As-Is, Where-Is The person purchasing the vehicle will pick it up at the current departmental location Include: > Contact information and times to schedule appointments > The following statement: “Buyer is responsible for removal” > Delivered The department will deliver the vehicle to the North Carolina Department of Administration Warehouse > > Thorough description of the vehicle Operating condition (ie whether it runs or is inoperable) (Please refer to this section in the guide for full instructions for the surplus of vehicles) > Entering an Asset Tag #/CAMS # will auto populate all fields, including the VIN Number Item Category and Condition will still need to be entered For example, we are surplusing an Ford F- Truck We will need to enter: > Comments: > Sales Location: As-Is, Where-Is > Description of the vehicle: has rust and damaged front bumper > Operating condition: vehicle will not start/mechanical issues > Contact information and times to schedule appointments: Contact John Smith at --XXX to schedule an appointment between : am and : pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday > Required statement: Buyer is responsible for removal > > > Asset Tag #/CAMS #: Item Category Condition Return to Table of Contents Page | f) Laboratory Equipment > > > > > All scientific, research and laboratory equipment must be assessed for hazardous materials PRIOR to being delivered to the Surplus Property Office Review the instructions on the EH&S website for more details Any laboratory equipment that is determined to be contaminated with biological material, chemicals, or radio-isotopes must be decontaminated The hazardous waste manual with decontamination instructions can be found in the Manuals, Forms and FAQ’s section of this page This list of items requiring decontamination form can be found in the Haz_Waste_Manual stored in the Hazardous Waste Manual Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Best Practices Best Practices for Asset Management USE THE PRINT AN ASSET SEARCH METHOD TO ACCESS ASSET COST The Print an Asset search method provides the quickest and most detailed asset Information MAINTAIN ACCURATE ASSET RECORDS IN THE ASSET MANAGEMENT MODULE Examples of changes in asset records that may commonly occur include location, trade-ins, returns, and in-use status Contact your departmental AM Coordinator to update the records as they occur NOTIFY ASSET MANAGEMENT OF UNTAGGED EQUIPMENT If you notice purchases you believe to be equipment and have not been tagged in days, contact the Asset Management Team and provide the following information: > > > Purchase Order Department Project ID or Voucher Number INCLUDE THE ASSET TAG NUMBER ON ALL SURPLUS REQUESTS FOR CAPITAL ASSETS Surplus of an asset requires the Asset Tag number to be disposed of missing Asset Tag on Surplus Request will result in lost asset When tag cannot be located and you believe the item is an Asset, contact the Asset Management Team prior to submitting the request INCLUDE TAG NUMBERS FOR ANY CHILD ASSETS ON SURPLUS REQUESTS Child asset tag numbers must be included as separate line item on Surplus Request Be sure to check if parent/child relationship exists if an asset has separate components $, or greater ATTACH PICTURES TO THE ASSET RECORD IN THE ASSET MANAGEMENT MODULE Pictures assist in the identification of assets during the Annual Physical Inventory Return to Table of Contents Page | ONLY USE AN ASSET CODE XXX FOR COMPUTER SOFTWARE WHEN THE COST IS $, OR MORE Stand-alone computer software must be for single license and cost $, or more in order to be recorded as capital asset Computer software is coded to supply account in the XXX series of accounts CODE THE COST TO PREPARE AN ASSET FOR FISCAL USE TO AN EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT Costs to prepare an asset for fiscal use are part of the cost of the asset and may be coded to an equipment account in the XXX series of accounts An example of these costs are shipping and handling, wire fees, installation, training and travel Return to Table of Contents Page | Best Practices for Surplus of Assets and University Property USE THE CORRECT PROJECT ID FOR EACH LINE ITEM Make sure you include the correct Project ID for each line item This is important to make sure that the asset being surplused reflects from which specific Project ID it was purchased SUBMIT REQUIRED INFORMATION WITH ALL AS-IS/WHERE-IS ITEMS Send an email to the Surplus Property & Warehouse Services Lead with the following information: Item location (exact address) Contact information: name, phone number, and availability Three different profile pictures Item description to be used for advertising purposes Include the following statements: > The items must be loaded and removed by the buyer > The University will not assist with loading or removing USE THE ASSET TAG/CAMS NUMBER FIRST WHENEVER POSSIBLE Doing so will automatically populate asset information (except for Category and Condition) and will ensure that any change in capital asset is properly documented in the system If you suspect that an item may be Capital Asset, make sure to include the Asset Tag/CAMS Number When in doubt, contact the Asset Management Team! SELECT LOT EXISTS ONLY FOR LOW-COST/HIGH-VOLUME ITEMS Lot Exists should be used for office supplies, keyboard and mice, cords, and items of the like Lot Exists should NEVER be selected for furniture, computers, monitors, and other large items Return to Table of Contents Page | AFFIX ONE DATA SECURITY REMOVAL LABEL PER DEVICE Campus departments are responsible for purging data from electronic devices that store data (eg, copiers, iPads, cell phones, tablets, printers, scanners, projectors, etc) Properly tagging equipment with Data Security Removal labels is part of the process and keeps the University safe and in compliance CLICK ON THE SAVE BUTTON BEFORE EXITING SURPLUS REQUEST Doing so will save your request and assign Request ID for later submission CLICK ON THE SUBMIT BUTTON WHEN THE SURPLUS REQUEST IS COMPLETED A request is NOT submitted unless this step is completed! Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Tutorials How to Customize the Financial System Homepage Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/IYdhaKYDD Introduction to Asset Management Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/ehAmvjfEKDE Return to Table of Contents Page | Looking up an Asset Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/Dlc-HMC_Ag AM Coordinator Responsibilities Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/tRKSmQY Return to Table of Contents Page | Transferring an Asset Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/zWcchmPWksA Disposing of an Asset Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/ePFesEba Return to Table of Contents Page | Surplusing an Asset Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/nwDHCTaxss University Property with Special Considerations Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/_ctvNwubw Return to Table of Contents Page | Best Practices Click on the image below to watch the video tutorial URL: https://youtube/xBqjMwcUA Return to Table of Contents Page | CHAPTER : Resources This section is under development -- more coming soon! > Learning Opportunities ○ FIN-CAM- ○ FIN-CAM- > Additional Asset Management and Surplus Resources ○ Asset Management Inventory SOP External Loans of Equipments External Transfers Active Grant Awards UNC System’s Office guidelines Uniformed Guidance for Property Disposition Fabrication Guidelines > > > > > Return to Table of Contents Page |