AM Surplus Request Request ID: Request Date: // Request Status: Submitted Department: College of Sciences - Dean Pick Up Location: SAS Hall Surplus Action: Pick-Up Comments: Room should be unlocked # QTY Lot N N N N N N N N N N N Description Xerox Phaser Printer Xerox Phaser Printer Xerox Phaser Printer Xerox Phaser Printer iPad Mini iPad Dell Optiplex Dell Optiplex Dell Optiplex Dell Optiplex Blue Chair on Casters Data Security Warning Created By: Last Updated: Y TBYRON TBYRON Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Serial # XL XL XL XL FKJREFC DMQLRDMFKYC ZB CQC CVC DQC I have read and understand the Data Security Warning // AM // PM End of Report Terry Byron /- /- tbyron@ncsuedu Project Asset Tag # Certified by: TBYRON Asset ID Condition Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor