AM Surplus Request Request ID: Contact: Terry Byron Request Date: // Phone: /- Request Status: Submitted Fax: /- Department: College of Sciences - Dean Email: tbyron@ncsuedu Pick Up Location: BROUGHTON HALL Surplus Action: Pick-Up Comments: Code: Items Right Side of Right on group of small tables on right side of room # QTY Lot N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Description Apple Laptop (White) Apple Laptop (White) Apple Laptop (White) Apple Laptop (White) Apple Laptop (Silver) Apple Laptop (Silver) Apple Laptop (Silver) Apple Laptop (Silver) Apple () HD Drive Box Apple iMac Box of Apple Laptop Chargers Box of VGA Cables Box of DVI Cables Box of PC Power Cables Box of Keyboards box of Keyboard + Mice Lenovo PC Mtsubishi Projector Box of PowerStrips Dell PC Data Security Warning Created By: Last Updated: Y TBYRON TBYRON Serial # WQKPGU WRGU WQBYGU WWLRGU CMHDWV CMHDYDV CDMHDLDV CMDHNJDV W LKHWVN KXCDP I have read and understand the Data Security Warning // AM // AM End of Report Project Asset Tag # Certified by: TBYRON Asset ID Condition Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor