AM Surplus Request Request ID: Request Date: // Request Status: Submitted Department: College of Sciences - Dean Pick Up Location: Broughton Hall B Surplus Action: Pick-Up Comments: In Hallway (Top Shelf) # QTY Lot N N N N N N N N N N N N Description Dell Laptop Dell Laptop iPad Mini (Gold) iPad Apple Laptop Dell Laptop Apple Laptop (Air) Dell Laptop (XPS) Apple Laptop (Air/Gold) Apple Laptop (Air) Apple Laptop Dell PC () Data Security Warning Created By: Last Updated: Y TBYRON TBYRON Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Serial # CYXJKX GND FKPPOAGYK DMPJSKTDVD CFPDYDF JLLQZW CLDFALCV HBLG CPWGF WA SJMGWL JXPF I have read and understand the Data Security Warning // AM // AM End of Report Terry Byron /- /- tbyron@ncsuedu Project Asset Tag # Certified by: TBYRON Asset ID Condition Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor