
SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent extends SeedDMS_Core_Object
in package

Class to represent content of a document

Each document has content attached to it, often called a 'version' of the document. The document content represents a file on the disk with some meta data stored in the database. A document content has a version number which is incremented with each replacement of the old content. Old versions are kept unless they are explicitly deleted by SeedDMS_Core_Document::removeContent().




Markus Westphal, Malcolm Cowe, Matteo Lucarelli, Uwe Steinmann


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, 2010-2024 Uwe Steinmann


Release: @package_version@

Table of Contents


$_dms  : object
$_approvalStatus  : int
$_attributes  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_checksum  : string
$_comment  : string
$_date  : string
$_dir  : string
$_document  : object
$_fileSize  : int
$_fileType  : string
$_id  : int
$_mimeType  : string
$_orgFileName  : string
$_receiptStatus  : int
$_reviewStatus  : int
$_revisionDate  : string
$_revisionStatus  : int
$_status  : int
$_user  : object
$_userID  : int
$_version  : int
$_workflow  : object
$_workflowState  : object


__construct()  : mixed
SeedDMS_Core_Object constructor.
addGrpApprover()  : int|false
Add group as new approver
addGrpRecipient()  : mixed
addGrpReviewer()  : int|false
Add group as new reviewer
addGrpRevisor()  : mixed
addIndApprover()  : int|false
Add user as new approver
addIndRecipient()  : mixed
addIndReviewer()  : int|false
Add user as new reviewer
addIndRevisor()  : mixed
addRevisor()  : int
Add an individual revisor to the document content
checkForDueRevisionWorkflow()  : bool
Check if document version has a scheduled revision workflow.
delGrpApprover()  : mixed
delGrpRecipient()  : mixed
delGrpReviewer()  : mixed
delGrpRevisor()  : mixed
delIndApprover()  : mixed
delIndRecipient()  : mixed
delIndReviewer()  : mixed
delIndRevisor()  : mixed
delRevisor()  : int
Removes a user from the revision workflow
enterNextState()  : bool
Enter next state of workflow if possible
executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed()  : bool
Check if all conditions are met to change the workflow state of a document content (run the transition).
finishRevision()  : mixed
Finish a revision workflow
getAccessMode()  : int
Returns the access mode similar to a document
getApprovalStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the current approval status of the document content The approval status is a list of approvers and its current status
getApproveLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the latest entries from the approval log of the document content
getApprovers()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return a list of all approvers separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the approval log into account. Therefore it can contain approvers which has actually been deleted as an approver.
getAttribute()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Returns an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributes()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns all attributes set for the object
getAttributeValue()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributeValueAsArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributeValueAsString()  : string
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getChecksum()  : mixed
getComment()  : mixed
getDate()  : mixed
getDMS()  : SeedDMS_Core_DMS
Returns instance of dms
getDocument()  : mixed
getFileName()  : mixed
getFileSize()  : mixed
getFileType()  : mixed
getID()  : int
Returns the internal id of the object
getInstance()  : bool|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
Return an document content by its id
getLastWorkflowLog()  : object
Get the latest workflow log entry for the document content within the workflow. Even after finishing the workflow (when the document content does not have a workflow set anymore) this function returns the last log entry.
getMimeType()  : mixed
getOriginalFileName()  : mixed
getParentWorkflow()  : mixed
Run a sub workflow
getPath()  : string
Return path of file on disk relative to the content directory
getReceiptLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the latest entries from the receipt log of the document content
getReceiptStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the current receipt status of the document content The receipt status is a list of receipts
getRecipients()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return a list of all recipients separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the receipt log into account. Therefore it can contain recipients which has actually been deleted as a recipient.
getReviewers()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return a list of all reviewers separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the review log into account. Therefore it can contain reviewers which has actually been deleted as a reviewer.
getReviewLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the latest entries from the review log of the document content
getReviewStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the current review status of the document content The review status is a list of reviewers and its current status
getRevisionDate()  : mixed
getRevisionLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the latest entries from the revision log of the document content
getRevisionStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the current revision status of the document content The revision status is a list of revisions If $limit is 1 it will return just the last log entry for each revisor.
getRevisors()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return a list of all revisors separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the revision log into account. Therefore it can contain revisors which has actually been deleted as a revisor.
getStatus()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the latest status of the content
getStatusLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get current and former states of the document content
getUser()  : mixed
getVersion()  : mixed
getWorkflow()  : object
Get workflow assigned to the document content
getWorkflowLog()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the so far logged operations on the document content within the workflow. If the document content is currently in a workflow and a transition is passed, then the log entries will be restricted on the workflow and returned as a one dimensional list. Without a running workflow the log entries of all workflows in the past are returned grouped by workflow.
getWorkflowState()  : object
Get state of workflow assigned to the document content
isType()  : mixed
Check if this object is of type 'documentcontent'.
needsWorkflowAction()  : bool
Check if the document content needs an action by a user
removeApproval()  : int|bool
Add another entry to approval log which resets the status
removeAttribute()  : bool
Remove an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
removeReview()  : int|bool
Add another entry to review log which resets the status
removeWorkflow()  : bool
Remove workflow
repair()  : bool
Checks the internal data of the document version and repairs it.
returnFromSubWorkflow()  : mixed
Return from sub workflow to parent workflow.
rewindWorkflow()  : bool
Restart workflow from its initial state
rewriteApprovalLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete approval log
rewriteReceiptLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete receipt log
rewriteReviewLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete review log
rewriteRevisionLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete revision log
rewriteStatusLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete status log
rewriteWorkflowLog()  : bool
Rewrites the complete workflow log
runSubWorkflow()  : mixed
Run a sub workflow
setApprovalByGrp()  : mixed
Sets approval status of a document content for a group
setApprovalByInd()  : int|bool
Sets approval status of a document content for a user
setAttributeValue()  : bool
Set an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
setChecksum()  : mixed
Set checksum by reading the file
setComment()  : mixed
setDate()  : bool
Set upload date of document content
setDMS()  : mixed
Set dms this object belongs to.
setFileSize()  : mixed
Set file size by reading the file
setFileType()  : mixed
Set file type by evaluating the mime type
setMimeType()  : mixed
setReceiptByGrp()  : int
Add a receipt to the document content
setReceiptByInd()  : int
Add a receipt to the document content
setReviewByGrp()  : int|bool
Add a review to the document content
setReviewByInd()  : int|bool
Add a review to the document content
setRevision()  : int
Add a revision to the document content
setRevisionByGrp()  : mixed
setRevisionByInd()  : mixed
setRevisionDate()  : mixed
setStatus()  : bool
Set the status of the content
setWorkflow()  : mixed
Assign a workflow to a document content
setWorkflowState()  : mixed
Set state of workflow assigned to the document content
startRevision()  : mixed
Start a new revision workflow
triggerWorkflowTransition()  : bool
Trigger transition
triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed()  : bool
Check if the user is allowed to trigger the transition A user is allowed if either the user itself or a group of which the user is a member of is registered for triggering a transition. This method does not change the workflow state of the document content.
verifyStatus()  : mixed
Recalculate the status of a document
__getDir()  : mixed
getDir and the corresponding database table field are deprecated



protected array<string|int, mixed> $_attributes

list of attributes


protected string $_fileType

file type (actually the extension without the leading dot)



SeedDMS_Core_Object constructor.

public __construct(mixed $id, mixed $document, mixed $version, mixed $comment, mixed $date, mixed $userID, mixed $dir, mixed $orgFileName, mixed $fileType, mixed $mimeType[, mixed $fileSize = 0 ][, mixed $checksum = '' ][, mixed $revisionDate = null ]) : mixed
$id : mixed
$document : mixed
$version : mixed
$comment : mixed
$date : mixed
$userID : mixed
$dir : mixed
$orgFileName : mixed
$fileType : mixed
$mimeType : mixed
$fileSize : mixed = 0
$checksum : mixed = ''
$revisionDate : mixed = null


Add group as new approver

public addGrpApprover(object $group, object $requestUser) : int|false
$group : object

group in charge for the approval

$requestUser : object

user requesting the operation (usually the currently logged in user)

Return values

if > 0 the id of the approval log, if < 0 the error code, false in case of an sql error


public addGrpRecipient(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed


Add group as new reviewer

public addGrpReviewer(object $group, object $requestUser) : int|false
$group : object

group in charge for the review

$requestUser : object

user requesting the operation (usually the currently logged in user)

Return values

if > 0 the id of the review log, if < 0 the error code, false in case of an sql error


public addGrpRevisor(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $donotstart = true ]) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$donotstart : mixed = true


Add user as new approver

public addIndApprover(object $user, object $requestUser) : int|false
$user : object

user in charge for the approval

$requestUser : object

user requesting the operation (usually the currently logged in user)

Return values

if > 0 the id of the approval log, if < 0 the error code, false in case of an sql error


public addIndRecipient(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed


Add user as new reviewer

public addIndReviewer(object $user, object $requestUser) : int|false
$user : object

user in charge for the review

$requestUser : object

user requesting the operation (usually the currently logged in user)

Return values

if > 0 the id of the review log, if < 0 the error code, false in case of an sql error


public addIndRevisor(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $donotstart = true ]) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$donotstart : mixed = true


Add an individual revisor to the document content

public addRevisor(mixed $object, object $requestUser) : int

This function adds a user as a revisor but doesn't start the revision workflow by default. This behaviour is different from all other workflows (approval, review, receipt), because it adds an initial entry in the revision log, which marks the revision as 'sleeping'. The workflow is started at a later point in time by adding the second entry in the revision log which puts it into 'waiting'.

$object : mixed
$requestUser : object

user requesting the addition

Return values

0 if successful otherwise a value < 0


Check if document version has a scheduled revision workflow.

public checkForDueRevisionWorkflow(object $user[, string $next = '' ]) : bool

The method will update the document status log database table if needed and set the revisiondate of the content to $next.

FIXME: This method does not check if there are any revisors left. Even if all revisors have been removed, it will still start the revision workflow! NOTE: This seems not the case anymore. The status of each revision is checked. Only if at least one status is S_LOG_SLEEPING the revision will be started. This wouldn't be the case if all revisors had been removed.

$user : object

user requesting the possible automatic change

$next : string = ''

next date for review

Return values

true if status has changed


public delGrpApprover(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delGrpRecipient(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delGrpReviewer(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delGrpRevisor(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delIndApprover(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delIndRecipient(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delIndReviewer(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


public delIndRevisor(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$msg : mixed = ''


Removes a user from the revision workflow

public delRevisor(object $object, object $requestUser[, mixed $msg = '' ]) : int

This methods behaves differently from one in the other workflows, e.g. SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndReviewer, because it also takes into account if the workflow has been started already. A workflow has been started, when there are entries in the revision log. If the revision workflow has not been started, then the user will be silently removed from the list of revisors. If the workflow has started already, then log entry will indicated the removal of the user (just as it is done with the other workflows)

$object : object

user/group which is to be removed

$requestUser : object

user requesting the removal

$msg : mixed = ''
Return values

0 if removal was successfull, -1 if an internal error occured, -3 if the user is not in the list of revisors


Enter next state of workflow if possible

public enterNextState(object $user, object $nextstate) : bool

The method will check if one of the following states in the workflow can be reached. It does it by running the precondition function of that state. The precondition function gets a list of all transitions leading to the state. It will determine, whether the transitions has been triggered and if that is sufficient to enter the next state. If no pre condition function is set, then 1 of n transtions are enough to enter the next state.

If moving in the next state is possible and this state has a corresponding document state, then the document state will be updated and the workflow will be detached from the document.

$user : object
$nextstate : object
Return values

true if the state could be reached false if not


Check if all conditions are met to change the workflow state of a document content (run the transition).

public executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed(mixed $transition) : bool

The conditions are met if all explicitly set users and a sufficient number of users of the groups have acknowledged the content.

$transition : mixed
Return values

true if transaction maybe executed


Finish a revision workflow

public finishRevision(object $requestUser, int $docstatus[, string $msg = '' ][, mixed $docmsg = '' ]) : mixed

This function ends a revision This means the log status is set back S_LOG_SLEEPING and the document status is set as passed to the method. The function doesn't not check if all users/groups has made it vote already.

$requestUser : object

user requesting the revision start

$docstatus : int

document status

$msg : string = ''

message saved in document status log

$docmsg : mixed = ''


Returns the access mode similar to a document

public getAccessMode(object $u) : int

There is no real access mode for document content, so this is more like a virtual access mode, derived from the status of the document content. The function checks if SeedDMS_Core_DMS::noReadForStatus contains the status of the version and returns M_NONE if it exists and the user is not involved in a workflow or review/approval/revision. This method is called by all functions that returns the content e.g. SeedDMS_Core_Document::getLatestContent() It is also used by SeedDMS_Core_Document::getAccessMode() to prevent access on the whole document if there is no accessible version.

FIXME: This method only works propperly if $u is the currently logged in user, because noReadForStatus will be set for this user. FIXED: instead of using $dms->noReadForStatus it is take from the user's role

$u : object


Return values

either M_NONE or M_READ


Get the current approval status of the document content The approval status is a list of approvers and its current status

public getApprovalStatus([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of recent status changes per approver

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of approval status


Get the latest entries from the approval log of the document content

public getApproveLog([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of log entries returned, defaults to 1

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of approval log entries


Return a list of all approvers separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the approval log into account. Therefore it can contain approvers which has actually been deleted as an approver.

public getApprovers() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null


Returns all attributes set for the object

public getAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValue(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : array<string|int, mixed>|string
$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string

value of attritbute or false. The value is an array if the attribute is defined as multi value


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValueAsArray(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

This is a short cut for getAttribute($attrdef)->getValueAsArray() but first checks if the object has an attribute for the given attribute definition.

$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

even if the attribute is not defined as multi value


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValueAsString(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : string

This is a short cut for getAttribute($attrdef)->getValueAsString() but first checks if the object has an attribute for the given attribute definition.

$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values

value of attritbute or false. The value is always a string even if the attribute is defined as multi value


Returns the internal id of the object

public getID() : int
Return values

id of document/folder


Get the latest workflow log entry for the document content within the workflow. Even after finishing the workflow (when the document content does not have a workflow set anymore) this function returns the last log entry.

public getLastWorkflowLog() : object
Return values


Return path of file on disk relative to the content directory

public getPath() : string

Since version 5.1.13 a single '.' in the fileType will be skipped. On Windows a file named 'name.' will be saved as 'name' but the fileType will contain the a single '.'.

Return values

path of file on disc


Get the latest entries from the receipt log of the document content

public getReceiptLog([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of log entries returned, defaults to 1

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of receiptlog entries


Get the current receipt status of the document content The receipt status is a list of receipts

public getReceiptStatus([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

maximum number of status changes per receiver

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of receipts


Return a list of all recipients separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the receipt log into account. Therefore it can contain recipients which has actually been deleted as a recipient.

public getRecipients() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null


Return a list of all reviewers separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the review log into account. Therefore it can contain reviewers which has actually been deleted as a reviewer.

public getReviewers() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null


Get the latest entries from the review log of the document content

public getReviewLog([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of log entries returned, defaults to 1

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of review log entries


Get the current review status of the document content The review status is a list of reviewers and its current status

public getReviewStatus([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of recent status changes per reviewer

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of review status


Get the latest entries from the revision log of the document content

public getRevisionLog([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 1

the number of log entries returned, defaults to 1

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of revisionlog entries


Get the current revision status of the document content The revision status is a list of revisions If $limit is 1 it will return just the last log entry for each revisor.

public getRevisionStatus([int $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Keep in mind that a revision log may contain repeating revisions.

$limit : int = 1

maximum number of records per revisor

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of revisions


Return a list of all revisors separated by individuals and groups This list will not take the revision log into account. Therefore it can contain revisors which has actually been deleted as a revisor.

public getRevisors() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|null


Get the latest status of the content

public getStatus([mixed $limit = 1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The status of the content reflects its current review, approval or workflow state. A status can be a negative or positive number or 0. A negative numbers indicate a missing approval, review or an obsolete content. Positive numbers indicate some kind of approval or workflow being active, but not necessarily a release. S_DRAFT_REV, 0 S_DRAFT_APP, 1 S_RELEASED, 2 S_IN_WORKFLOW, 3 S_IN_REVISION, 4 S_REJECTED, -1 S_OBSOLETE, -2 S_EXPIRED, -3 When a content is inserted and does not need approval nor review, then its status is set to S_RELEASED immediately. Any change of the status is monitored in the table tblDocumentStatusLog. This function will always return the latest entry for the content.

$limit : mixed = 1
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

latest record from tblDocumentStatusLog


Get current and former states of the document content

public getStatusLog([int $limit = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$limit : int = 0

if not set all log entries will be returned

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of status changes


Get workflow assigned to the document content

public getWorkflow([bool $full = false ]) : object

The method returns the last workflow if one was assigned. If the document version is in a sub workflow, it will have a never date and therefore will be found first. The methods also sets $this->_workflow['id'] and $this->_workflow['parent']. $this->_workflow['id'] is the id from table tblWorkflowDocumentContent which is used to get log entries for this workflow. This method will only get a currently running workflow in a state. Once a workflow has ended, the current state of the workflow was set to null.

$full : bool = false

return not just workflow but the data from tblWorkflowDocumentContent too

Return values

an object of class SeedDMS_Core_Workflow or false in case of error, e.g. the version has not a workflow


Get the so far logged operations on the document content within the workflow. If the document content is currently in a workflow and a transition is passed, then the log entries will be restricted on the workflow and returned as a one dimensional list. Without a running workflow the log entries of all workflows in the past are returned grouped by workflow.

public getWorkflowLog([mixed $transition = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

This result is a two dimensional array. The keys of the first dimension are the ids used in table tblWorkflowDocumentContent. If only the logs of last workflow run are of interesst, then just take the last element of the returned array.

Example: A workflow was started for a document content. This will add an entry in tblWorkflowDocumentContent whose state is set to the initial state of the workflow and a new autoinc id, e.g. with id 45 Once any step in the workflow was triggered, the table tblWorkflowLog will have an entry for workflowdocumentcontent=45. Retrieving the workflow log as long the document is still in the workflow will return the log entries for the current workflow. In this particular case it will be an array with one log entry. Once the workflow has ended this method will still return the log entries but in a 2-dimensional array with the first dimension set to 45.

The same document version can be run through the same or a different workflow again which will lead to a new entry in tblWorkflowDocumentContent, e.g. with id 46. Getting the log entries while the content is still in the workflow will return only those entries for the current workflow. Once the workflow has ended, this methods returns a 2-dimensional array with two elements in the first dimension. One for key 45 and another one for key 46.

$transition : mixed = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of objects


Get state of workflow assigned to the document content

public getWorkflowState() : object
Return values

an object of class SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State or false in case of error, e.g. the version has not a workflow


Check if this object is of type 'documentcontent'.

public isType(string $type) : mixed
$type : string

type of object


Check if the document content needs an action by a user

public needsWorkflowAction(SeedDMS_Core_User $user) : bool

This method will return true if document content is in a transition which can be triggered by the given user.

$user : SeedDMS_Core_User
Return values

true is action is needed


Add another entry to approval log which resets the status

public removeApproval(int $approveid, SeedDMS_Core_User $requestUser[, string $comment = '' ]) : int|bool

This method will not delete anything from the database, but will add a new approval log entry which sets the status to 0. This is only allowed if the current status is either 1 (approved) or -1 (rejected).

After calling this method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::verifyStatus() should be called to recalculate the document status.

$approveid : int

id of approval

$requestUser : SeedDMS_Core_User

user requesting the removal

$comment : string = ''


Return values

true if successful, error code < 0, false in case of an sql error


Add another entry to review log which resets the status

public removeReview(int $reviewid, SeedDMS_Core_User $requestUser[, string $comment = '' ]) : int|bool

This method will not delete anything from the database, but will add a new review log entry which sets the status to 0. This is only allowed if the current status is either 1 (reviewed) or -1 (rejected).

After calling this method SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::verifyStatus() should be called to recalculate the document status.

$reviewid : int

id of review

$requestUser : SeedDMS_Core_User

user requesting the removal

$comment : string = ''


Return values

true if successful, error code < 0, false in case of an sql error


Remove workflow

public removeWorkflow(object $user[, bool $unlink = false ]) : bool

Fully removing a workflow including entries in the workflow log is only allowed if the workflow is still its initial state. At a later point of time only unlinking the document from the workflow is allowed. It will keep any log entries and set the state to NULL. A workflow is unlinked from a document when enterNextState() succeeds.

$user : object

user doing initiating the removal

$unlink : bool = false

if true, just unlink the workflow from the document but do not remove the workflow log. The $unlink flag has been added to detach the workflow from the document when it has reached a valid end state (see SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::enterNextState())

Return values

true if workflow could be removed or false in case of error


Checks the internal data of the document version and repairs it.

public repair() : bool

Currently, this function only repairs a missing filetype

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Return from sub workflow to parent workflow.

public returnFromSubWorkflow(object $user[, mixed $transition = null ][, mixed $comment = '' ]) : mixed

The method will trigger the given transition

FIXME: Needs much better checking if this is allowed

$user : object

intiating the return

$transition : mixed = null
$comment : mixed = ''


Restart workflow from its initial state

public rewindWorkflow() : bool
Return values

true if workflow could be restarted or false in case of error


Rewrites the complete approval log

public rewriteApprovalLog(mixed $reviewers) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing review log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$reviewers : mixed
Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Rewrites the complete receipt log

public rewriteReceiptLog(mixed $recipients) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing receipt log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$recipients : mixed
Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Rewrites the complete review log

public rewriteReviewLog(mixed $reviewers) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing review log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$reviewers : mixed
Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Rewrites the complete revision log

public rewriteRevisionLog(mixed $revisions) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing revision log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$revisions : mixed
Return values

0 on success, otherwise a negativ error number


Rewrites the complete status log

public rewriteStatusLog(array<string|int, mixed> $statuslog) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing status log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$statuslog : array<string|int, mixed>

new status log with the newest log entry first.

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Rewrites the complete workflow log

public rewriteWorkflowLog(array<string|int, mixed> $workflowlog) : bool

Attention: this function is highly dangerous. It removes an existing workflow log and rewrites it. This method was added for importing an xml dump.

$workflowlog : array<string|int, mixed>

new workflow log with the newest log entry first.

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Run a sub workflow

public runSubWorkflow(object $subworkflow) : mixed
$subworkflow : object


Sets approval status of a document content for a group

public setApprovalByGrp(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser, mixed $status, mixed $comment[, mixed $file = '' ]) : mixed

The functions behaves like {link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setApprovalByInd} but does it for a group instead of a user

$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$status : mixed
$comment : mixed
$file : mixed = ''


Sets approval status of a document content for a user

public setApprovalByInd(object $user, object $requestUser, int $status, string $comment[, mixed $file = '' ]) : int|bool

This method can be used to approve or reject a document content, or to reset its approval state. In most cases this function will be called by an user, but an admin may set the approval for somebody else. It is first checked if the user is in the list of approvers at all. Then it is check if the approval status is already -2. In both cases the function returns with an error.

$user : object

user in charge for doing the approval

$requestUser : object

user actually calling this function

$status : int

the status of the approval, possible values are 0=unprocessed (maybe used to reset a status) 1=approved, -1=rejected, -2=user is deleted (use {link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndApprover} instead)

$comment : string

approval comment

$file : mixed = ''
Return values

new review log id, error code 0 till -4, false in case of an sql error


Set an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition

public setAttributeValue(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef, array<string|int, mixed>|string $value) : bool
$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition

definition of attribute

$value : array<string|int, mixed>|string

value of attribute, for multiple values this must be an array

Return values

true if operation was successful, otherwise false


Set checksum by reading the file

public setChecksum() : mixed


public setComment(mixed $newComment) : mixed
$newComment : mixed


Set upload date of document content

public setDate([string $date = false ]) : bool
$date : string = false

date must be a timestamp or in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Set dms this object belongs to.

public setDMS(SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms) : mixed

Each object needs a reference to the dms it belongs to. It will be set when the object is created. The dms has a references to the currently logged in user and the database connection.

$dms : SeedDMS_Core_DMS

reference to dms


Set file size by reading the file

public setFileSize() : mixed


Set file type by evaluating the mime type

public setFileType() : mixed


public setMimeType(mixed $newMimetype) : mixed
$newMimetype : mixed


Add a receipt to the document content

public setReceiptByGrp(object $group, object $requestUser, mixed $status, mixed $comment) : int

This method is similar to SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setReceiptByInd() but adds a receipt for a group instead of a user.

$group : object

group doing the receipt

$requestUser : object

user asking for the receipt, this is mostly the user currently logged in.

$status : mixed
$comment : mixed
Return values

new receipt log id


Add a receipt to the document content

public setReceiptByInd(object $user, object $requestUser, int $status, mixed $comment) : int

This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentReceiptLog. It will first check if the user is ment to receipt the document version. If not the return value is -3. Next it will check if the user has been removed from the list of recipients. In that case -4 will be returned. If the given receipt has been set by the user before, it cannot be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the receipt could be succesfully added, the receiptview log id will be returned.

$user : object

user doing the receipt

$requestUser : object

user asking for the receipt, this is mostly

$status : int

the status of the receipt, possible values are 0=unprocessed (may be used to reset a status) 1=received, -1=rejected, -2=user is deleted (use {link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndRecipient} instead) the user currently logged in.

$comment : mixed
Return values

new receipt log id


Add a review to the document content

public setReviewByGrp(object $group, object $requestUser, int $status, string $comment[, mixed $file = '' ]) : int|bool

This method is similar to SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setReviewByInd() but adds a review for a group instead of a user.

$group : object

group doing the review

$requestUser : object

user asking for the review, this is mostly the user currently logged in.

$status : int

status of review

$comment : string

comment for review

$file : mixed = ''
Return values

new review log id, error code 0 till -4, false in case of an sql error


Add a review to the document content

public setReviewByInd(object $user, object $requestUser, int $status, string $comment[, mixed $file = '' ]) : int|bool

This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentReviewLog. It will first check if the user is ment to review the document version. It not the return value is -3. Next it will check if the users has been removed from the list of reviewers. In that case -4 will be returned. If the given review status has been set by the user before, it cannot be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the review could be succesfully added, the review log id will be returned.

$user : object

user doing the review

$requestUser : object

user asking for the review, this is mostly the user currently logged in.

$status : int

status of review

$comment : string

comment for review

$file : mixed = ''
Return values

new review log id, error code 0 till -4, false in case of an sql error


Add a revision to the document content

public setRevision(mixed $object, object $requestUser, int $status, mixed $comment) : int

This method will add an entry to the table tblDocumentRevisionLog. It will first check if the user is ment to revision the document version. If not the return value is -3. Next it will check if the user has been removed from the list of recipients. In that case -4 will be returned. If the given revision has been set by the user before, it cannot be set again and 0 will be returned. Іf the revision could be succesfully added, the revision log id will be returned.

$object : mixed
$requestUser : object

user asking for the revision, this is mostly the user currently logged in.

$status : int

the status of the revision, possible values are 0=unprocessed (may be used to reset a status) 1=revised, -2=user is deleted (use {link SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::delIndRecipient} instead) -3=workflow revision is sleeping

$comment : mixed
Return values

new revision log id, 0, or a value < 0. 0 means the status has not changed because the new status is equal the current status. A value < 0 indicate an error. -1: internal error, -3: user may not revise this document -4: the user has been removed from the list of revisors, -5: the revision has not been started at all.


public setRevisionByGrp(mixed $group, mixed $requestUser, mixed $status, mixed $comment) : mixed
$group : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$status : mixed
$comment : mixed


public setRevisionByInd(mixed $user, mixed $requestUser, mixed $status, mixed $comment) : mixed
$user : mixed
$requestUser : mixed
$status : mixed
$comment : mixed


public setRevisionDate([mixed $date = false ]) : mixed
$date : mixed = false


Set the status of the content

public setStatus(int $status, string $comment, object $updateUser[, string $date = '' ]) : bool

Setting the status means to add another entry into the table tblDocumentStatusLog. The method returns also false if the status is already set on the value passed to the method.

$status : int

new status of content

$comment : string

comment for this status change

$updateUser : object

user initiating the status change

$date : string = ''

date in the format 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Assign a workflow to a document content

public setWorkflow(object $workflow, mixed $user) : mixed
$workflow : object
$user : mixed


Set state of workflow assigned to the document content

public setWorkflowState(object $state) : mixed
$state : object


Start a new revision workflow

public startRevision(object $requestUser[, string $msg = '' ]) : mixed

This function starts a new revision unless there are users/groups having finished the previous revision. This means the log status must be S_LOG_SLEEPING or the user/group was removed (S_LOG_USER_REMOVED)

$requestUser : object

user requesting the revision start

$msg : string = ''

message saved for the initial log message


Trigger transition

public triggerWorkflowTransition(object $user, object $transition[, string $comment = '' ]) : bool

This method will be deprecated

The method will first check if the user is allowed to trigger the transition. If the user is allowed, an entry in the workflow log will be added, which is later used to check if the transition can actually be processed. The method will finally call executeWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed() which checks all log entries and does the transitions post function if all users and groups have triggered the transition. Finally enterNextState() is called which will try to enter the next state.

$user : object
$transition : object
$comment : string = ''

user comment

Return values

next state if transition could be triggered and then next state could be entered, true if the transition could just be triggered or false in case of an error


Check if the user is allowed to trigger the transition A user is allowed if either the user itself or a group of which the user is a member of is registered for triggering a transition. This method does not change the workflow state of the document content.

public triggerWorkflowTransitionIsAllowed(object $user, mixed $transition) : bool
$user : object
$transition : mixed
Return values

true if user may trigger transaction


Recalculate the status of a document

public verifyStatus([bool $ignorecurrentstatus = false ][, object $user = null ][, string $msg = '' ][, int $initialstatus = S_RELEASED ]) : mixed

The methods checks the review and approval status and sets the status of the document accordingly.

If status is S_RELEASED and the version has a workflow, then set the status to S_IN_WORKFLOW If status is S_RELEASED and there are reviewers => set status S_DRAFT_REV If status is S_RELEASED or S_DRAFT_REV and there are approvers => set status S_DRAFT_APP If status is draft and there are no approver and no reviewers => set status to S_RELEASED The status of a document with the current status S_OBSOLETE, S_REJECTED, S_NEEDS_CORRECTION or S_EXPIRED will not be changed unless the parameter $ignorecurrentstatus is set to true.

This method may not be called after a negative approval or review to recalculated the status, because it doesn't take a defeating approval or review into account. This method does not set the status to S_REJECTED! It will just check for a pending workflow, approval or review and set the status accordingly, e.g. after the list of reviewers or appovers has been modified. If there is no pending workflow, approval or review the status will be set to S_RELEASED.

This method will call SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::setStatus() which checks if the status has actually changed. This is, why this function can be called at any time without harm to the status log. The $initialstatus can be set, to define the status set when no other status is set. This happens if the document has no

$ignorecurrentstatus : bool = false

ignore the current status and recalculate a new status in any case

$user : object = null

the user initiating this method

$msg : string = ''

message stored in status log when status is set

$initialstatus : int = S_RELEASED

status to be set if no other status is set


getDir and the corresponding database table field are deprecated

private __getDir() : mixed

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